Blue Eyes Remembering Toward Anti-Racist Pedagogy
Blue Eyes Remembering Toward Anti-Racist Pedagogy In 2007 I convocated from the University of Regina with a Masters of Education. My thesis was entitled Blue Eyes Remembering Toward Anit-Racist Pedagogy.
As Long as the Grass Grows: Walking, Writing, and Singing a Treaty Song
As Long as the Grass Grows: Walking, Writing, and Singing a Treaty Song In this presentation I share the process of composing and singing a song that honours Treaties and the Treaty relationship, and my own learning journey as a Treaty person. “As Long as the Grass Grows: A Treaty Song from Saskatchewan” was written to ground my presentation “Treaty Walks: From Bully to Benevolence and White Back Again” at the 2015 Provoking Curriculum Conference in Vancouver. (I am currently working on this as my contribution to Provoking Curriculum Studies: A Manifesto of Inspiration/ Imagination/ Interconnection with editors Dr. Erika Hasebe-Ludt and Dr. Carl Leggo.)
Grass Roots, Social Justice, Indiginization and More: Why Action Research Just Makes Good Sense in Saskatchewan
Grass Roots, Social Justice, Indiginization and More: Why Action Research Just Makes Good Sense in Saskatchewan In 2016 Saskatchewan’s Dr. Stirling McDowell Foundation for Research into Teaching will celebrate 25 years of supporting and nurturing teacher-led Action Research. It is no wonder that this one-of-a-kind Canadian institution should have sprung up in Saskatchewan where grass roots, community-led research is still springing up in the name of social justice, indigenization, inquiry, equity, literacy, engagement, and much-much more formal and informal action research. With strong support at the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Curriculum’s big questions; as well as within Health education; Action Research, in its many forms, promises to continue cycling through Saskatchewan where questioning, acting, reflecting and starting-all-over-again is everyone’s birthright. (I am currently working on this as my contribution to THE FUTURE OF ACTION RESEARCH IN EDUCATION: A Canadian Perspective. with Editors Kurt W. Clausen, PhD   Glenda Black, EdD)
oski-pimohtahtamwak at Bert Fox Community High School
oski-pimohtahtamwak at Bert Fox Community High School Since the fall of 2016 I have been working with oski-pimohtahtamwak otayisīniwiwaw (Nehiyawak) Oski pima ci-owat ici ki-kay-dam-o-win-ing (Nakawē) Wana oicimani teca wosdodyē uncumpi (Dakota) They are into their new journey to knowledge (English) Together, we have created a classroom from which we have gone out to do our education, presenting the Blanket Exercise 70 times to over 2000 people. We have met another 1000 people through the Treaty Four Gathering, Antiracism Facilitator Training, Youth Speak Reconciliation Through Film, Treaty Walk Tours and every opportunity that presented it to us. As Kete-ayah Alma Poitras told us, this is "Pimatisiwin" going about, educating ourselves.
Bert Fox Community High School
Bert Fox Community High School I have been teaching in this exceptional school since 2003. Our diverse student body and expert staff work together daily to create an extended family devoted to education.
Dr. Stirling McDowell Foundation for Research into Teaching
Dr. Stirling McDowell Foundation for Research into Teaching in 1996 I was part of an application to do research with the Dr. Stirling McDowell Foundation for Research into Teaching. After one unsuccessful application, we regrouped and eventually did two research projects, publishing our reports in 1999 and 2002. "Dreams and Involvement: A Black Lake Quest for 2000" and "Implementing Traditional Dene Teaching Methods, Skills and Values: Success Redefined." I served on the McDowell Foundation board from 2012 to 2017 and am currently the Past President.




Author / Educator / Facilitator

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